Majesty and glory, that words fail to describe Expanses of the heavens that have never met an eye Wonder fills this worshiper with unreserved delight May Your Name be lifted high Who is there like you, O Lord, Worthy of all praise Who was there before You Lord, Ancient of All Days Wonder fills this worshiper and all that I can say, May Your Name be lifted high May the matchless name of Jesus be anthem of our lives May the power of His presence mark our hearts with holy fire May we imitate His holiness that all might see the light May Your Name be lifted high Radiance and splendor that fill the morning sky Intricate creations that baffle fragile minds Wonder fills this worshiper, my joyful spirit cries, May Your Name be lifted high May the matchless name of Jesus be anthem of our lives May the power of His presence mark our hearts with holy fire May we imitate His holiness that all might see the light May Your Name be lifted high Lifted high lifted high lifted high lifted high May the matchless name of Jesus be anthem of our lives May the power of His presence mark our hearts with holy fire May we imitate His holiness that all might see the light May Your Name be lifted high