I'm sorry that I've never quite seen things the way that you have I'm sorry that I've searched for truth and demanded answers Something which you can't provide But I've come to realize that what we Have means more than what could be waiting And all those godforsaken days that I've spent Questioning my beliefs were just nights wasted Am I so wrong to question what can't be proved? To wonder what's waiting for me when that day finally comes When you've been told what to believe since birth How can you create your own conclusions? You believe because it's normal, because it's accepted Because following and the pursuit of Acceptance is the norm that you've come to love Questioning our minds isn't a sin of the heart Closing off the doors and vessels to Expression and thought is where we lose ourselves Trading one unanswered question for another I know that I've grown cynical through the Years and that my elated thoughts have turned grey And maybe someday I'll regret every Word that I've written in this phrase... But at least I know I'm honest today And you've been Thinking This life you lead Is all you have This place isn't what it used to be I remember finding hope and love within these walls residing around me Now it's just littered with the remnants of those who believed Those who put their life and trust Into something they couldn't even see Instead I choose to witness the beauty around me In all of its glory Rather than basing my life around a story alone But yet what I hope for isn't what I believe I'd like to accept that a man in the sky Could give me access to all of my hopes and desires But this world and it's inhabitants have Cut off my hopes and ability to seek higher