Cos I've been hiding And I've kept my head laid low Cos I'm too scared of fighting with myself showing how I really feel Then I've just kept pretending Pretending till I'm part of this game Now I don't even know my heart or recognize who's living in me 高樓大廈 遮住了蔚藍的天空 日復一日 反覆操作 機械式的動作 這裡有太多眉角 孩子從來沒能搞懂 兒時的天真無邪 早已消失無影無蹤 望著牆上的打卡鐘 時針滴答溜走 為了生活兜售自由 交換Diamond and Gold 雪花般飛來的帳單 彷彿無情的冬 We chasing dreams 卻被困在牢籠 台北灰市人來人往 這裡的繁華很難想像 內心的善良被選擇遺忘 孩子被這裡強迫著長大 Cos I've been hiding And I've kept my head laid low Cos I'm too scared of fighting with myself showing how I really feel Then I've just kept pretending Pretending till I'm part of this game Now I don't even know my heart or recognize who's living in me 這裡有大多數的人 思想都被奴役 好的工作 好的薪水 只是另個奴隸 曾經堅持的信仰 已被現實消耗殆盡 Big City 孩子的夢卻沒有 容身之地 身處黑暗 求看見希望的光 昂貴的衣物遮不住內心受的傷 迷失的靈魂 找不到方向回家 灰色的城市 依舊掙扎 台北灰市人來人往 這裡的繁華很難想像 內心的善良被選擇遺忘 孩子(我們)被這裡強迫著長大 Cos I've been hiding And I've kept my head laid low Cos I'm too scared of fighting with myself showing how I really feel Then I've just kept pretending Pretending till I'm part of this game Now I don't even know my heart or recognize who's living in me