Little did I know, when You first started to call me Call me by my name and actin' like i was somebody But you can't even blame me for the things That I've done in the past When we argued a lot I was thinking about That I never wanted to be sad That's who I am Dunno who You are Who the fuck cares You're just another one There were times when there was a struggle to get over you Blinden by the views I couldn't see the truth 2 graves but only 1 of us had to die today I don't think I've let you won I just let my soul fly away Cause I got a lotta love but I don't wanna brag about it Cause the only one who loved me is gone And I could tell you 'bout the tunnel vision in my head but now i know That I will never reach the stars It's a pity, pretty shitty it's a messed up love When I'm with you I think I'd rather be alone, bitch And when I'm all alone I can't take a breath Give us one more chance I swear I'll do my best cause Swear I'll do my best Cause baby, baby I need your love, everyday Reminisce baby, the memories made me so numb I need your love, everyday, yuh Carry the pain and the hate that You gave me I'm numb