He who loveth not knoweth not Jah For Jah Jah, Jah is love If we should love as we should Things would be good For the love once was around Is nowhere to be found In the outskirts of the city And deep into the ghetto There is a father againts a son And a mama againt a daughter Sisters fighting sisters And brothers killing brothers He who loveth not knoweth not Jah For Jah Jah, Jah is love Jah, Jah is love Jah, Jah is love He who loveth not knoweth not Jah for Jah Jah Say Jah is love So why should we make war When we can make love? Jah Rastafari is the high While the wicked look above In the outskirts of the city And deep into the ghetto There is hardships and hunger And the people suffer So let's think of our nation And this unification He who loveth not knoweth not Jah For Jah. love He who knoweth not loveth not Jah For Jah Jah Jah, Jah is love Jah is love, Jah is love Jah is love, Jah is love