I've always found myself rather unusual, weird Do you know what that feels like? As so many are consumed with their daily tasks Coming and going, caring and concerning Being swept away with the dos and don'ts placed upon them Do you know what that feels like? Falling and picking themselves up I've found myself in a state of floating, rather than falling I feel a oneness with my surroundings, an intimacy with the mundane Thrill-seekers constantly looking for the next rush The next alarm that will wake them from their sleeping states Have they ever seen a flower at dawn, laced in dew Colours melting across their bodies? Have they ever seen the way the trees wave when a breeze caresses them? Thrills aren't far from, they need not be searched and scavenged for They need only be noticed I've always found myself rather unusual, weird But by definition, weird suggests something supernatural Otherworldly Connected with fate What a beautiful way to live Do you know what that feels like? Maybe we're not that different after all