Come a runnin' boys Don't you hear that noise like the thunder in the sky How it rolls along in a good old song From the sons of Nebraski. Now it's coming near with a rising cheer That will sweep all foes away, So with all our vim We are bound to win and we're going to win today. In the days of old, Johnny Bender bold would just take that ball in hand And with Benedict right in front of him They would set sail for the land. Then Doc Eager too with a chosen few Would be all round everywhere And before they'd quit they would calmly sit Down behind that goalpost there. For Nebraska and for Scotland For the scarlet and the cream, Though they go thru many battles, Our colors still are seen. And so in contest and in victory We will wave them for the team, And will always stir a Cornhusker, The scarlet and the cream. When the sun is bright And the fields are ripe with the tassel on the corn You can hear it grow in the evening glow Or the hush of early morn. In the state so fair 'tis the very air that inspires us with a zest. That in any fray we will not dismay But we'll do our level best. For Nebraska and for Scotland For the scarlet and the cream, Though they go thru many battles, Our colors still are seen. And so in contest and in victory We will wave them for the team, And will always stir a Cornhusker, The scarlet and the cream.