Have you ever wondered why Have you ever wondered why Your crush always rejects you? Is it because she is your sister? Why does your dentist have messed up teeth? And why he always stutters Why graduating doesn't give any job Why are there so many snipers in India Why do people argue whether it's gif or gif The correct pronunciation is "shut up" And I said Have you ever wondered why Your mother in law is still alive Woah oh oh oh oh Woah oh oh oh oh Why does your girlfriend always ignore you? Is it because she is not your girlfriend? Why are gay people happy? Oh wait that's what gay means If you're an atheist, can you get a Christmas bonus? Who added salt to the sea water? Where's the pepper in the Dr. Pepper? Why doesn't sponge bob do the dishes? Why is there plastic in the fishes? And I said Have you ever wondered why It's so cool to be white Woah oh oh oh oh That got racist fast We had racism Now let's have sexism But what I'm about to say is just a joke ok? Or is it? Have you ever wondered why Women are always right Just kidding they're never right I'm not sexist, I'm just right That's something you can't deny Now you're wondering why You're listening to that