A migration of souls, orbs floating in unison Emitting but a faint luminescence, each seeking to enter the sun Offerings fulfilled, their souls returned to flesh Suspended in anticipation for the passage to reveal Following their path, I traverse the land From life into death, through bestial plains I spanned Now exalted, I gaze with weary eyes to the Radiating summit, cascading from the sky With offerings in hand, and limbs struck by atrophy Begun is my ascent, to rise beyond this dreary land Through valleys of the nameless and ephemeral, to the summit undying Standing before the unspoken, overseer of barrenness Amassed at his feet lay the offerings of each celestial migrant Trembling with trepidation, summoning my voice I depart from my physical form Sanctioned by their gods, I embrace the land Seeping through the cracks, the essence projects through stone Every fiber scorching as if lit by an insatiable blaze Submitting, the remains migrate within the atrium Before the altar of the immortal one, in the court of a dismal sun Amber light flickers throughout the hall With walls towering beyond sight Stretching like fingers to grasp the light beyond Without hesitation, the light envelops me Rotating in a manic haze, the walls begin to shift A great, turbulent energy fills the void Through the entity, this celestial vessel Migration now seamless, Every element of being coalesced into the enduring eternal My passage is now complete