I remember so well When you said to me in turn non-believers would burn in hell When you told me that scientists were merely under a spell And the questions I asked were the voice of the devil himself I tried to picture his face My savior, my lord But when I prayed I seen the image from that book on the shelf It just didn't feel real, or maybe I was just bored It was a double edge sword like dying when you were born It tore me up like the pages I studied over and over Hoping it'd click and that maybe I could think myself back in order And so I learned it by heart, said all my prayers before bed Grandmother spider up all night weaving that web in my head You took me under your wing, you kept me within your reach 'Till slowly I felt as dead as fish in pelican beak A burning hell in your speech, delicate, malleable brain I opened up like a register ready to give you change I opened up like umbrella afraid it was gonna rain My mother gave you a hug, my father's hand you did shake I put the change in the plate, you put the blood in my veins You put the flesh in my mouth, I put my trust in your fangs The rain came sudden Reign came sudden Broken chains Kingdom's crumbling For giving blood in vain Forgiven blood in vein