Far away つかまっときな 鋭いペン持ったピカドールのお出まし やつらは眩暈 実際 お前が手に持ったペンじゃ真っ直ぐに心臓を貫けない 頬張った内戦 降り注ぐ日本語 本能 右手にLOVE 左手には混沌 俺の前には地平線まで伸びる五線譜 WALK 誰かに踏まれるのをずっと待ってる 最高潮のまま時計は止まって 善悪で割り切られたとしたら聞く 何で? 夜の中 甲高く 閉じたお前の目の中で 矢継ぎ早な思考 詩を歌う夜の真ん中 ビート滑るtongue 書き方 散乱弾 見えるか?この数百文字の言葉の弾丸 街の中はまるで戦争の後のような静けさで AH この自分でいることが俺のHIPHOP When thunder and lightning fallen, the other Amy turn'n up Originated ugly face Maria I wright my real, this is surreal I got a starlight far from the Orion, the rotten onion, the other Amy turn'n up Epiphany say A my stand'n up, it's time to go, it's time to start I lived in distortion I lived in disharmony I lived in disassociated aaaAy In my life, dream'n is cokio Questionable identity dominant Hacking and breaking my brain out Amy say turning back fuck'n ordinary life Suffer from schizophrenia, 大きすぎる月(ツキ)のせいか Spirituality, family, community, friendship, lovers make me crazy ya Hi,Amy what are you looking for Amy Hi,Amy OK? you look so unhealthy Hi,Amy Where are you looking at Amy Hi,Amy wa wa why do not say anything Who? she come in close Whoo-a My heart bu-bu I feel'n scare-and She reach out sitting the Edge of the bed Click It's only fictional story On my PC just B grade movie Sweat on my face flow like the dolphin Toward the mirror my figure asymmetric Kids in the park screaming Heard the another voice lil whispering Amy push restart button by herself and she say Everyone can pray for me Ah shit This is Dinner of Amy