Trapped me inside I can't hide from the sounds I can't hide from the smells I won't lose any sleep ever The soul never will get used to it if I stop and behold all the garbage in my mind's eye so These mommapoppas want war I'll end them like a happy day You mommapoppas want war I'm blind to every smiling face No one is more hurt than me Screams the whole world in complete unity Is that not blood in the sea Even the whales are very hert things Make me feel better uncertainly Hurts to be, merging sea Moses left, roses bleed Read the rest, toss the key Floss to see rows abject Holy sect, columns plea misery Ghoulish behavior rewards you with pain Stuck in your head, dread, self harm, insane I don't believe that you're prepared to talk How dare you be able yet never walk Trapped me inside I can't hide from the sounds I can't hide from the smells I won't lose any sleep Ever The soul never will get used to It if I Stop and behold all the garbage In my mind's eye Feeding on corpses I phase through the dirt I am a worm, I'm a knave, I'm the worst Terrified I might see the sun pretend Dwelling on all fears makes me drown again Rotting with all of these thoughts that I have All this time to myself provides no path I've done the math, integers all joined All these years of waiting equals life has no point I got unrequited love for myself How it stings when you're dealt Papercutting cards that never seem to stay on the shelf Gravity lowers health, tragedy lowers health, no escape, never well I'll try stealth, down a well, then I'll hide Darkness and damp let my nails grow Cold and clammy you will never know You are only what you think So I'm a ghoul, I'm a freak