Working the masses with your constant spell, The religion which you try to sell. Members of the chosen elite, Try to keep them begging at your feet. But they slowly regain control, Of their senses, What it means to be human. Control of themselves, Not from a false god. Casting judgment Upon a throne, Of conquest and deceit. At the end of the day, you're still alone. No presence in this place called home. Power, That never has been seen. Somehow makes you feel complete. Praying when you've committed sin, How does that help the world we live in? Pretending you are pure once a day in the week, Starts to make the whole structure sink. False ideals, For a false god, While the wolves in sheep's wool applaud. Think of things that would Await them beyond. Take care of those right here and now. What makes you better than me? What makes you so unable to see? That fellow man needs help now, Not when you see fit. Be a better person, Before a better follower. Go and do, what you feel is true, to yourself. Instead of what you're born into. The depths you'll all fall You'll all fall. False ideals for a false god, while the wolves in sheep's wool applaud.