Daybreak Strange Shapes On the horizon Obscure the sun I said what have we done Men clambered ashore It was a one-sided, self-righteous war 'Your shark', they swore 'He is no more' Oh shark Since the sun has refused to rise To wake is an unwelcome surprise The trees no longer recognize their fruit The trees no longer recognize their fruit Oh Shark what have we done What have you done with the sun You put the sun before the darkness Is this the winter of the fall You put the summer before the darkness Is this the winter of our fall Oh Shark Who is this God Before whim every man is made to cower I feel ashamed And the simple things come harder now I doubt my legs My words My every move Oh Shark I called down into the sea But I have lost your soul And you would not answer me Oh Shark I prayed unto the sea To deliver you unto me But the waters lay still They would not part I lost hope I lost my heart My friend the Shark You put the sun before the darkness Is this the winter of the fall You put the summer before the darkness Is this the winter of our fall You put the summer before the darkness Is this the winter of our fall You put the summer before the darkness Is this the winter of our fall