Daydreaming while coming home from work on the train thinking about the things We re-ject when you think about it there all symptoms ne-glect Writing lyrics to drain my brain from all these thoughts so I can reflect Refrain from going insane thinking about the things people do for re-spect Your fighting for the approval of someone Who's just like you and could probably careless about you My life's changed, that's not lite change People who I thought would never change: changed like exchanging (4)quarters For a dollar post a post on there facebook page saying I'll holler Realizing things have to be re-range in order to be stained you think It's a game well no one's plan Refrain from letting evil thoughts enter my brain Sustained by the God in me which means I'm rock solid Not the same SOG only a fool would refrain from change Sentence to death, your thoughts run to lose Like blues clue you ain't got clue what to do Made in the image of the invisible God but still fighting for scraps like Rocky Darken eyes can't see, to full of pride to see pass the lies Wise in your own eyes, a master in your own mind Master mind in the making I see into the hearts of men Hard to be more than a conquer when your conquered by sin "The Thriving Tribe" can't thrive when we're overcome by the spirit of a offense So in a sense we need healing as the spirit keeps revealing the intentions of the heart Because our differences is the best part of us We have to view things from the Father's eyes