(One two three four... wait, that was too fast.) One man, one man without a gun. Lonely... one man who stood alone. His name was Jesus named after A man who hung on a cross He is not a man of consequence Jesus did not have a prayer For he was pitted against the sort of folks That are not the sort of folks Who are the sort who care One man, one man without a gun Lonely... one man who had no one Dying, he died a William Holden death Drunken, liquor upon his dying breath His blood flowed, his mighty rivers blow, But he did not suffer any pain His final act was to not act at all The nectar had boiled his brain One man, one man without a gun Lonely... one man who stood alone All dressed up with no place special to go As he stands and knocks at the gates of heaven The lord he was out The gates were all locked up A sign hung on the gate Said the lord would return at seven. One man, one man without a gun Lonely... one man who stood alone One man, one man without a gun Lonely... one man without anyone.