What does it mean to be a saint or a sinner Back in the days of mummy cooking the dinner Chicken soup or a casserole on a cold night Jumping into bed with the smell of the fresh linen Live it again only a little Do you know the feeling of being stuck in the middle As the old saying goes to put it a little different Is allowing it to happen as bad as pulling the trigger? Figuratively speaking usually the one who wanna jump in the deep end From diving in pussy and rum on the weekend A little pre teen boy puffing the reefer Coming home caught red eyed immediate I got locked down for a couple of weeks But the irony of all of it The one who dished the discipline from her supply I been teefin' A cocky little yout and with the kid there's always something to prove Kind heart but an aggy side bringing the mood right down That was the sentiment of the crew, A bag of vagabonds that he looked up to From seeing innocent men get beat down My best friend sucker punched cold in peak town And witnessing them rob change off of a street clown Didn't say a word but I felt for him deep down (I really did) It's not my fault as a bystander, I ain't involved, Maybe not a candid depiction of the role I played In situations similar to these There were plenty more maybe a lesson in right and wrong Well do I seek repentance look I don't know I'll have to ask Diablo to let me off Usually I'm fine with Somebody on my shoulder telling me You Aint Got A Chance Boy (nah, nah you ain't got a chance) When you're done on this earth you'll do as I please Usually you're good with Holding your own and seeing past the sweet talk But this time it's different Good luck tryna find your way outta this one Black bandanas and area codes (friend or foe) Sex, drugs, Disney and all of our hope (we should coast) Fast forward ignorance bliss I'm guessing we'll never know Pot kettle black sky youth hunger, one drive Who am I, a product of environment From those that just can't fit in and find their sins In late night escapades and catching fades To sunrise touching face then making haste Like who the fuck are you my own daddy didn't check me Knife crime, WAP, sex, money will respect me Losing all your morals just to fester for a quick fee Now you're in your thirties And rethinking all your technique (It's not easy) Long path to redemption (you seem keen) Drop down now give me ten Just a quick scheme prayer and a bruised knees Holy water swim deep blood of Jesus free me, screaming Usually I'm fine with Somebody on my shoulder telling me You Ain't Got A Chance Boy (nah, nah you ain't got a chance) When you're done on this earth you'll do as I please Usually you're good with Holding your own and seeing past the sweet talk But this time it's different Good luck tryna find your way outta this one I need a little more money, less glasses of ice cold jack honey More parsnips, a little less fried chicken on week nights A couple more green beans at tea time See, I told myself I probably do better I knew better I look at you and see what people do for some real cheddar A little C.R.E.A.M Cash rules everything around me jeez Get the pounds G, Crime in the county Yeah really I got, no more, negative karma, Bitch I'm on altitude, high bar on a million songs, A little hey, little bye, little smile and I'm gone, Really rocking the bot, whether you feel it or not Whether you got it or don't, See you gon reap what you sow I think I know what I'm knowing I'm knowing nothing at all We did it all for the cause they do it all for applause I shoot my thoughts and record and plug it into the source like Usually I'm fine with Somebody on my shoulder telling me You Ain't Got A Chance Boy (nah, nah you ain't got a chance) When you're done on this earth you'll do as I please Usually you're good with Holding your own and seeing past the sweet talk But this time it's different Good luck tryna find your way outta this one