Hey Buddy, how 'bout a smoke? I'm down on my luck. At the end of my rope, I feel pretty rough. I just got the sack, take a number please. I'm never looking back. I'm out on the street. I started, down in the dump, Thought I paid my dues, But I was first when they had The bad news. I always dreamed of walking out. Punch that guy right in the mouth, But I never had the guts. Now I know I got the stuff. There's no mistaking it now... I'm out of the business Out of the business --- Into rock and roll. All right, 'bout time, Stuffed shirts where the sun don't shine, Late nights, long days, I don't need the white collar race. Who wants a gray flannel suit? I'll throw in a tie, Or some Italian boots? It's all right in style. I've had it up to here, with three button whores. I don't regret that I'm Walking out the door. (Chorus)