Behold this scene, all what we've done All this in our hands, for now It's all so fragile, it can make you pray Though take you away, to prepare it all for? (For no one) All your memories will vanish Everything will become undone (Done for none) Like you were never even there And your life matters no more and so to the skies You look, you wonder Where you belong, nothing is definite But one day you will be gone You spend your short life Seeking, finding something you lust The values are defined and you gather all the stuff Soon worth to dust while to the skies You look oh you've looked for so long Still wondering who you are and where you belong One day you may realize what you become ♪ The delusion you're significant Blurs your mind, makes you blind ♪ They didn't stand a chance in the hands of progress How many sacrificed for few more painful years Really worth it? I'm waiting, I'm asking, I'm waiting for reason (So long gone) (Lying on your deathbed as the light fades) Still struggle for (More for none) (Just one more minute) For no reason you plea for so to the skies You look wondering where you belong The life will evolve even when you are gone Some beautiful day we all will be gone