Georgia Georgiiaaaa A song of loove Just an old sweet soong Cuz tonight Oh yes, toniayight I've got Georgia on my mayynd Georgia OoOh, some'n for you Yes it cums So soft and clear Like moonlight through the pines Other arms reach out for mehehe Other eyes smiiile How I see them smile, oh so tenderly But still in... peaceful dreams Well, you know I see I see the road Same old road Same old road leading back... To Georgia OoOh sweet Georgia No piece I find No peace of mind And yes it's just an old sweet song Cuz tonight I've got Georgia on my mind MmmmmmMhhhOoooooh And other arrms reach out for me Oh, other eyes smile I see them smile, oh so tenderly But still in peaceful dreams Well, you know I'll see I see the road Same old road Same old road leading back To Georgia Oh yeaeaej Oh, sweet Georgia You know in all these years no piece I find No peace of mind Just an old Old sweet sooOOoong Because tonight Oh yeah toniiight I've got Georgia I've got sweet Georgia I love ya Georgia I've got sweet Georgia OhoOon Mahaayayaha Mahehaynd (Applause)