Moch 's mi'g éirigh air bheagan éislein Air madainn Chéitain 's mi ann Os Bha spréidh a' geumaich an ceann a' chéile 'S a' ghrian boillsgeadh air slios nam beanntan Cur tuar na h-oidhche 'na dheann fo sgòd Is os mo chionn sheinn an uíseag ghreannmhor Toirt 'na mo chuimne nuair bha mi òg. Toirt 'na mo chuimhn' iomadh ni a rinn mi Nach fhaigh mi 'm bann gu ceann thall mo sgeòil A 'falbh 'sa gheamradh gu luaidh is bainnsean Gun solus lainnteir ach ceann an fhòid Bhiodh òigridh ghreannmhor ri ceòl is dannsa Ach dh' fhalbh an t-am sin 's làn de fheanntaig Cur 'na mo chuimne nuair bha mi òg. Nuair chuir mi cuairt air gach gleann is cruachan Far 'n robh mi suaimhneach a' cuallach bhò Le òigridh ghuanach tha nis air fuadach De shliochd na tuath bha gun uaill gun ghò Na raoin 's na cluaintean fo fhraoch is luachair Far 'n tric a bhuaineadh leam sguab is dlòth 'S nam faicinn sluagh agus tighean suas annt' Gum fàsainn suaimhneach mar bha mi òg. Englische Übersetzung: Early in the morning, as I awake drowsily On a May morning while I am in Ose The cattle were lowing alongside each other And the sun was rising on Leac on Stoir A ray of sun shone on the mountainside Speedly putting the dark of night under cover And above me sang the lively cuckoo Reminding me of when I was young Reminding me of the many things I have done That leave me unhappy until I've reached the end of my story Going to ceilidhs and weddings in the winter With no light but a lit sod of peat The lovely young people would be singing and dancing But that time has now gone and the glen is sad Andrew's ruin, so full of nettles Reminding me of when I was young As I strolled round each glen and stack Where I was happy tending the cattle With the lively youngsters of the stack of country people Without vanity or guile and who are now in exile The mossy banks and pastures are under heather and rushes Where I often gathered the sheaves of corn And if I could see people dwelling there I would become joyous as when I was young