Back and forth, pushed and forced Sleeping through the night with one eye open Their pictures of war are sabotaging The last hope in our lives with gloominess madness and sadness When the curtain falls, it silences us all The master's sound fills the hall No more waking into exciting mornings, Theres just lonesome sleepless nights Darkness shall grow as time goes on While we're trapped by the hands of despair Can't change the mood that im inside In this period of time im living The things that i won't wish to see, crossed my eyes Who's to tell now we are still the same? It feels so close like its my eye blinking Its another rich man's war whether you like it or hate it When the curtain falls, it silences us all The master's sound fills the hall No more waking into exciting mornings, Theres just lonesome sleepless nights Darkness shall grow as time goes on While we're trapped by the hands of despair Can't change the mood that im inside In this period of time im living