Move swiftly Through the darkness We have survived the hounds This is a night raid On an internal battleground Eyes on seekers Of stillness Stay conscious and confound Silence their songs of the deep sleep Catch their fall before they hit the ground Drift into the stars and remember who you are Have you get like giving up Have you felt not enough I've slipped my chains now to regain and overcome Something wicked this way What lights this abyss like the sun Some kind of mental militia There is no retreat Amygdala breached If we ascend there's room to fall Bet the deep sleep could cure this all Fixate on agony Oh what is happening We must move swiftly now Through the darkness This is a night raid This is a night raid We must move swiftly now Through the darkness This is a night raid This is a night raid Drift into the stars and remember who you are Have you felt like giving up Have you felt not enough I've slipped my chains now to regain and overcome If we ascend there's room to fall Bet the deep sleep could cure this all Fixate on agony Oh what is happening