From creation over damnation To another page of the tale Our battlecries presaging the story Of clashings on armour plates Of myths and twists Of fields in mist Of creatures flying high Of lands (to find) Of seas (so wide) A mystery by night And part of an firefly Facing fortune once again Voices feedeng flames From perdition over salvation To another side of fate Our gathered swords Are breaking the silence Clashing on armour plates Four good one bad Not back for good How to find a way Through darkest nights? A voice (still faint) Speaks names (to sky) And getting flames to rise We're all a part Of this firefly Read the hero's dream Lights of dawn will gleam Once our voices unify For flames they'll scream From perdition over salvation To another side of fate Our gathered swords Are breaking the silence Clashing on armour plates From creation over damnation To another page of the tale Our battlecries presaging the story Of clashings on armour plates Clashing on armour plates Hoping it's not too late After all we know That way leads onto way Clashing on armour plates Hoping it's not too late After all we know That way leads onto way Clashing on armour plates Hoping it's not too late After all we know That way leads onto way Clashing on armour plates Hoping it's not too late After all we know That way leads onto way Perdition! Salvation! Creation! Damnation! Perdition! Salvation! Creation! Damnation! From creation over salvation To another page of the tale Our battlecries presaging the story Of clashings on armour plates From perdition over salvation To another side of fate Our gathered swords Are breaking the silence Clashing on armour plates From creation over damnation To another page of the tale Our battlecries presaging the story Of clashings on armour plates