It's a miracle that we never worked out In the first place And it's cliché to say But it was a lost cause from the start Though the beginning had me grinning A turn around was soon to show You're good But honey you're not that good You know that this means more to me And I'll show this is all I've ever be So take it or leave it this is me So you better get used to it If it's you or this dream Go ahead and pack your things Because love or not it's all I've got And this is the part where I never let go Sorry you were the one who said to pick from two Now look at you in disbelief As you pack your bags to go I tried to tell you upfront And when I wasn't speaking I tried to let my actions show This is where I say goodnight In the blink of an eye I'm gone Turn away to face my days And I'm doing it on my own Told myself some while ago Go for the gold and never slow down Even if it comes to mean I have to tell you to up and leave A lead up to nowhere I don't care I'll stay here I swear I heard you say we'd do this together I know I couldn't give you The life you always dreamed But it takes time with these sort of things Thought that we could take it slow Thought I had the answers and knew where it would go Until I realized you were just another disguise Don't ever say I didn't warn you Don't blame me as if you didn't know Don't blame me it might be best you didn't know We tried hard but yet you couldn't take We tried hard I tried a little harder