This warning is final for you Never again, no never ever ever ever I saw all the heroes gone What would you like to take for life? What would you like to do for life? Future's on your plate, getting old That's death! We must go beyond the rim Want nothing that always comes to an end You hear the forbidden voice? Heavenly garden hidden in the ground Mortal flowers sending your love Your prayers can be heard When stars are falling down All the price paid for you Would lead you to the place Clears up your mind Why don't you embrace me? Beauty is all you've got My art is history Guiding you to amazing days True presence comes to you When you make up your future Someone like me would light up your way Coz they sang in Castrato Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the Heroes of the French Revolution He banned the heavenly voices sang by Castrato Ironically, He himself was the price to pay for leading a beautiful future Oh oui! Every single thing Even Napoleonic Code was performed according to my instructions Mortal flowers sending your love Your prayers can be heard When stars are falling down All the price paid for you Would lead you to the place Clears up your mind Opens up your eyes Why don't you embrace me? Beauty is all you've got My art is history Guiding you to amazing days True presence comes to you When you make up your future Someone like me would light up the way... With love... Sacrifice for your life Useless faith in you Will be taken away for good Leaving the stain on my hand