Tarabich j'entends 3lihom mandich lach get so low 9awanin je commets pas 9awanin je co Mais Pas o ba9in kissalo Kawaliss oh non Baghin kawabis o effets sonore A quoi bon? Remember me when im gone Sayni spawn Baynli moutha f amazon Ah la zone?! Nsitkom pletement b ola zomi Allo nsonni ra ghi m silenci son Sinon 800 Selon dixans F tisalat Photo caption ntissarat ser Ghi sarab si Nassi rassi Kat fuck u blasti Tarabich j'entends 3lihom mandich lach get so low 9awanin je commets pas 9awanin je co Mais Pas o ba9in kissalo Kawaliss oh non Baghin kawabis o effets sonore A quoi bon? Remember me when im gone Sayni spawn Baynli moutha f amazon Ah la zone?! Nsitkom pletement b ola zomi Allo nsonni ra ghi m silenci son Ain't nobody stopping me nobody stopping u so go get the loot Khouya parie ela ro7k ana npari ela ro7i we cant even loose Everybody asking ghi asking me asking u 9in tay9in f news I got all that i need aissa ra machi greedy and its all that i want Emotionally ana peiné ma benech mablanch kho majanich noum 7achich kami y calmini mea pilly razini mais bohdi flmoon Machi amie nti a peine m co habitin zahia mais kolha alone Mabarik fi dalik gatli nghslou dnoub bjouj So jebt wahd f douche Aah Chira jabt douz Eeh 9issa w douz Aah Behave nboussek Eeh Nti ki flow gtliha ta la mchali hania Fonone tabkh o ghaya Asatir o science Neinteen ice o fire