Like bombs bursting in the dead of night Christ came to us He came for us He came like us just like us Wrapped in the very dust that he himself had made The fullness of God concealed within the frame Of an innocent babe With a splendor of a thousand suns Bringing the darkness to its knees in trembling submission He is God with us The full weight of heaven putting its feet on the earth Consummating the hope of generations in the moment of his birth He is the embodiment the fullness of deity He is the embodiment of eminence The personification of promise The culmination of covenant The answer to every question that's ever been raised Throughout history about who God is And with His every movement he has shown us who God is God is holy holy holy Absolutely and definitively other than Transcending every benchmark and reference point known to man Holy Dwelling in a high and holy place And yet sweeping down low into the depths of depravity to show That He is God but he is for us holy With eyes too pure to look upon evil And an arm too strong to be matched With an equal blameless in every possible way And yet choosing in his compassion To absorb every ounce of the blame God is love Drawing near and pressing into the sorrow of the sufferer The agony of the afflicted The plight of the impoverished And the shame of the sinner Love demonstrating itself Not only with words but with a cross Not with empty sentiment but with evidence Blood bought body breaking Grief bearing hell shaking evidence Love relentless in the chase And patient in its pursuit Love before the foundation of the earth Determining to set itself on you God is humble Emptying himself by taking on a servant's form And being born in the likeness of men Despising his riches by laying down his life Forsaking his throne to make the wrong things right And though he was rich he chose to be poor So that by his poverty you could have abundantly more God is mercy rich in mercy Ready to receive all who would come to him by faith In their time of need pardoning sin And never coming to an end And following the faithful until our days are finished Mercy bleeding out And pleading in intercession pardoning transgression As far as the east is from the west God is just Whipping through temples And rebuking the pious Storing up almighty fury To pour out on all those who refuse to reckon with his righteousness Just drinking the cup of his father's wrath Consuming it in full on your behalf God is mighty And the strength of His arm is too great to be measured The kind of power that can walk on water And cleanse the leper And open the eyes of the blind And open the ears of the deaf And cause storms to cease And cause stubborn and hardened hearts to believe Mighty Rising from the tomb Just as he promised in triumph and victory God is with us God is among us God is alive and well within us He is the illuminating light coursing through our veins And radiating out of us Light not meant to be snuffed out by our complacency But spread like wildfire Not buried beneath frivolous affairs and trivial pursuits Or overshadowed by lofty arguments That overshadow our view of the truth You were made for mission Ransomed for a reason Rescued for the purpose of telling your story of redemption To every living breathing soul who will listen That is the point of Christmas So let us shout from the mountains Over the hills through the valleys and everywhere Jesus Christ has come And we are the living embodiment of his kingdom So right in the middle of this season When hearts are heavy and questions are raised Let us get up go out and proclaim unashamed That God is with us Go tell it on the mountain Over this hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born ♪ The shepherds kept their watching Over silent flocks by night Behold throughout the heavens There shone a holy light The shepherds feared and trembled When lo above the earth Rang out the angel chorus That hailed our Savior's birth That hailed our Savior's birth Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born Down in a lowly manger Our humble Christ was born And God sent us salvation That blessed Christmas morn Go tell it on the mountain Over this hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born Go tell it on the mountain Over this hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born ♪ He made me a watchman Upon the city wall And if I am a Christian I am the least of all Oh I am the least of all Go tell it on the mountain Over this hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born Go tell it on the mountain Over this hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born