O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him Christ our Lord For You alone are worthy For You alone are worthy For You alone are worthy Christ the Lord We say you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy To receive all the glory and the honor and the praise And the blessing they're all yours We're in awe of you tonight And Lord for those of us like me Who just especially in shiny places and shiny buildings And shiny seasons have cloudy vision And it's hard to see you It's hard to see the true treasure of the universe I pray that you would help our eyesight That we would see you You came into the world that you created And yet the world did not know you You walked among them in all of your glory The fullness of the godhead dwelt in you bodily Jesus And yet, the world didn't know you And I just pray for us And I pray for all of our conversations tonight I pray for all of our gatherings Lord With all of our family members and friends That you would give us a vision of Jesus to the season And make our eyes see you and behold your glory So we leave tonight just giving you that glory The One who deserves it we sing together It's been an awesome night y'all Sing to Him We give You all the glory We give You all the glory We give You all the glory Christ the Lord