The third wave of madness is sweeping the nether Old guard and youth bonded together Speed freaks and Core kids circle the pit Established sound, yet this is the new shit Just when you thought it couldn't go faster Kobold's arrived and brought a disaster Fall in line and follow the pastor No one's exempt, bow down to the masters Banging our heads, until we're dead Thrash Overlords Breaking our necks, instilling respect Thrash Overlords Drinking our fill, bringing the thrill Thrash Overlords If you stand still, we're in for the kill Thrash Overlords Tomorrow is just another day Their world is shit, now and forever We dwell at the moment, restraints we sever Jointly we jaunt on a breakneck endeavour "When will it stop?" The answer is - "Never!" Just when you thought it couldn't go under Kobold's arrived and brought the thunder Dazed and confused, you're left in wonder We'll split the globe, we'll blow it asunder