What's your fucking excuse this time You big fat fucking ass... ass hole If it's all the same to you I'd rather not hear why your... such an ass hole Some people say baby let it go You'll feel better tomorrow Turn the other cheek Get some sleep I'm not one of those people I want... Revenge Revenge Sweet as ... Revenge What is he gonna to do When he figures out that I'm gunna... get him Cause isn't it true that people will Stomp on you if you... let them Cause' he'll be taking his time While he's robbing you blind She'll be sweet with your boyfriend But will they do the time For their crime Don't know... don't care Cause I'll get my... Revenge Revenge Sweet as ... Revenge Doesn't need to end in death That's too easy and wrong It just sends a message that If you take me trying Breaking me Than just watch closely Cause we'll both be seeing Red Then watch it spread... cause Someone's gonna to pay Someone's gonna to pay Someone's gotta pay Someone's gotta pay Someone otta pay Someone otta pay There is no fucking excuse This time, or last time, or in the near future And you probably won't see me around your place Because frankly, I'm not a loser Just be a better person Cause' there is nothing worse than Being a bastard of sorrow So if you bump into me on the street... Just be sweet Simply tell me you're sorry It's not really that hard We, all deserve a piece of the party So be happy, not so crappy And then maybe, I won't need Revenge