My still tongue in a straight jacket Bursts at the seams with troubles untold For I am weak, my shriveled lungs let out Their final screams in vain and Grow cold In this frenzy of frantic voices I need only to silence my own They speak, they speak in tongues In the basement of my mind I am shackled to All of the things that I tried to forget The cuffs write in red on my paper skin A knock at the door Is to be ignored The voices told me "Don't let anyone in" You are safer now than ever before Here with us underground As for the many who will beckon Make no exceptions The one who knocks He will lead you astray With false hope and promises You will be tested, but falter not We will protect you from the unsound Only we know the truth Speak only the words that we approve Be bathed in the darkness Banish the light For He who 'saved' you Is the Devil Himself Be bathed in the darkness Banish the light For He who 'saved' you Is the Devil Himself" Take Me I am weak I pledge my Allegiance To The priest of Loathing and despair I pledge my Allegiance To His unholy name: Baphomet This is my testament To the unholy I have seen the black prince He is unwavering This is my testament To the unworthy I have seen the darkness It has enveloped me