I saw stars at such a silent night So quiet that i could not say anything But the sound was so loud Then i saw you ♪ 窗明几淨的涼夜啊 夜雨打落荷葉邊上 我只見你 ♪ 或許 我不能成為天空中最閃耀的銀河 但我慶幸 在這裡遇見你 我想 穿越七十二年的時空之後 與你相遇 與你道別 ♪ I saw stars at such a slient night So quiet that i could not say anything But the sound was so loud Then i saw you 或許 我不能成為天空中最閃耀的銀河 但我慶幸 在這裡遇見你 我想 穿越七十二年的時空之後 與你相遇 與你道別