I'm the greatest in the field of physics Theoretical My name is Albert Einstein But you can call me AL I've heard some people natter There's others just as smart as me. Like all things it's a matter Of relativity A brighter brain than mine? That's a non starter A few, perhaps, are cuter But none smarter Proof, you insist Okay, lets's play a small game Let's make a list Of who's even in the ball game Shakespeare was good Mozart was good But me, I'm a genius Van Gogh wasn't bad Thoreau rates a tad But me, I'm a genius There's Macchiavelli There's Keats and there's Shelley And Madame Curie And the rest But like Bach and like Handel They can't hold a candle to me I'm the best Ben Franklin was fair And so was Flaubert And Voltaire wasn't terrible Rimbaud sure could rhyme Rousseau was sublime – But I'm incomparable There's Haydn and Dryden Cervantes, the brantes, But call them the brainiest? BAH! They're all smart, they're all bright, They're ok, they're all right, But there's only one genius — MOI! TWO CHEERS FOR REMBRANDT AND IMMANUEL KANT BUT ME, I'M A GENIUS! ALEXANDER THE GREAT NEXT TO ME IS THIRD RATE, JUST LIKE PAGANINI IS! THERE'S IGOR STRAVINSKY, NIJINSKY AND MINSKY - AND HOMER, OF COURSE, GETS A NOD. THERE'S NEWTON AND NIETZSCHE AND PAVLOV WAS PEACHY, BUT ME — i'M A GOD! MONET, RABELAIS, THROW IN ESCOFFIER – HIS SOUFFLE WAS QUITE EDIBLE AND DOCTOR HEIMLICH. THAT MANOUEVER WAS SLICK – BUT ICH BIN INCREDIBLE! EURIPIDES, THUCYDIDES DID NOT WRITE STUPIDITIES. YOU SURE COULDN'T GIVE THEM A "CEE" THEY'RE NOT DIM, THEY'RE NOT DUMB, THEY'RE MUCH SMARTER THAN SOME, BUT GENIUS? FIDDLE-DE-DEE! SOME SAY PUCCINI IS, SOME SAY FELLINI IS. MAYBE THE GUY WHO FIRST PUT MUSTARD ON A WIENIE IS!