What the wind that passed through left behind was A nostalgic scent and the dripping sound of the droplets The light bursts above you The words I want to tell you wander deep within my heart The curtain of rain cuts off the sunlight Taking off the yellow rain boots that got heavy I felt the season The rain pours on the slightly shivering flower If you slowly close your eyes I will warm you up in the dream... The gentle patterns of the rain disappear into the waves It quietly echoes 'drip. drip. drip...' The morning light melts in gold-color on the water Embracing that radiance filled with warmth I believed in the future The rain continues to fall on the proudly blooming white flower Although it seemed to smile a little It's alright, it's okay not to overreach yourself... The rain will stop someday and scatter those petals The rain-flower that bloomed in my heart I promise not to forget about you