Always the practical one You had to remind me, even as we spoke those words That one day, I'd be bothered by everything you'd say I, I just stood there so naive With the fiercest will The fiercest will to believe If that day ever came, I'd remember feeling this way Maybe all things in time diminish Let me just turn and find a best friend at the finish Let me just They say the industry is cruel Even if they find you, make of you a fool One day, you'll be tired of living this way But I, I just stand here so naive With the fiercest will The fiercest will to believe And tonight beside the music highway I will sleep While the cars rush by me I will dream Maybe all things in time diminish Let me just do what I love 'till the finish Let me just We ask of the days too much Expect of each other nothing but, revelation One day, none of that will matter any way Maybe all things in time diminish Let me just have this sense of wonder at the finish Let me just