今宵赤い月は 生々しい程 血管を脈打ち 闇にふらさがる 忘れ去られた夜 悪夢の切れ端 月光と交わり 最後の発狂 The red moon calls insanity All sights are red 朧な影を引き 当ても無く彷徨う 湧き上がる狂気を 押さえつけられぬ 記憶を塗り潰す 穢らわしき月 先祖返りの夜 戦け! 絶叫 Into the night Into the dark Into the blood, ― 徘徊するのは異形の塊り Into the night Into the moon Into the blood, You're wrapped in the moon light Don't raise the vacant eyes Growing in the air one by one, Your descent won't die out yet Gaze at the nights with madness Your descent don't die