One day, the thread that I tied Will melt away Even if I gather the pieces together, The real world will still see it as a fake Not yet, not yet I can still breathe and laugh Not yet, not yet Though, This world has broken down and there is sound Everything disappeared right before me once again, Erased by the sand storms I am just staring into Fragments of memories ♪ I swam into my eyes Lying and hiding again Even if I try and pretend to not see it, The real world is genuine Not yet, not yet I am lying to my heart Not yet, not yet Though, This world has broken down and there is sound Everything disappeared right before me once again In a terribly withered world alone, I merely stare at Fragments of memories ♪ I love you You love me, too, right? I do understand but Not yet, not yet Though,
I have realized that As time moves on, This scar inside my heart cannot be healed As tomorrow comes, It will repeat again and again And I will never be able to go back But, Once again, the world has stopped The two of us will create a world That was once erased by sand storms And in that world, I will find myself