Yeshua is the Vine and Israel a sign for all to see Every tribe and tongue is grafted by the Son into the olive tree If casting them away, He received the world instead Then what is their return but life from the dead? Am Echad Adonai Echad, One people, One God! And in that day God will take away all their sins They shall be saved and His servant David shall be their prince In tears they have sowed but in joy shall they reap He will lead them home as a shepherd leads his sheep In the valley of dry bones, a holy wind is blowing making noise The sound of a nation, a holy congregation with one voice Singing a new song unto God Shema Yisrael Adonai Echad God is with us, in Him alone we trust for our peace His love is forever and His mercy never will cease He will set His resting place in our midst Extending His love and grace to all who are His