Is that person still breathing? I don't know Okay Blooodhound Is he moving? Can you tell if he's moving? He's not He's not moving? No Okay But where's the other person that you saw? I can try harder If I don't wake up Call my best friend What's going on? Nine one emergency 122 I can Somerset county with a transfer I have a caller on the line He's in an Audi I can try harder If I don't wake up Don't know how he got there but he woke up in the vehicle And he says he covered in blood Things that could make your life better right now? Um maybe like having God with me Can you hold on one second for me She just doesn't Believe it It is gonna get better It is gonna be okay But I think right now She just doesn't Believe it It is gonna get better It is gonna be okay But there's blood all over All over what? Me My legs My feet And my hands There's blood all over I don't I don't like See my future yet I guess Yea Hold on one second I can try Like I've been losing faith Because um I don't I don't see it like How my parents do Or anything He um He's never there What was your name again sir? I'm operator 122 I'm gonna send someone out Just stay on the phone You're okay but where's the other person that you saw? I have no idea Okay is there any way that you can Find out where they are?