Power to the people Fuck ay nervi si ay pick up Fuck gnom Macron gnilay djiteul Fuck sa discours ak Kilay bindal Fuck sa police bignou meunoul titeul Sacrifier jeunesse bi beug gnou sikeul Ame lepp bako fi di niani ndimbeul Niou def la nditt keulé def la mbidane Yafii seussone motax gnou pouss leu Diox la pouvoir bi nieup ouf leu Tek si ay atte rek nieup sour leu 2024 figua dieum si souf leu Kou kass gua fekhel ko tok di niangual Si sougn kanam rek Gua amé fouleu Gnoune gnoy gni tax guay bour di boumi So fogué ni ya mom rew mi Dioum ngeu Xamal ni Power HeyPower to the people I say power YowPower to the people I say power Youxou fépp power to the people I say power Because the power is the people I say power Gnoune gnoy guay degg son excellence Kone power Yow the power is the people I say power Gnoune gnoy gni tax fo dem scort yi darr leu Power Because the power is the people Loi bi gua beug violé boul fok ni dagn narra tok si xolé Force restera au peuple oumpeulé woni ni eupognou dolé Waxou niétélou mandat sa avenir fofou la barra tiolé Say néwww deudjeulolene kou ame deudj fenene gua guéneu dioléko Amo morale ni éthique Yégalo sa yaram sougn metite Li saye ndaw def mo raw sax délit Perte gua carte bila war élire Pourquoi autant de haine? En vers nous xawma lougn la def Inutilement tout le temps tu traines Apart loubeul lenene loffi def guissouma loffi def Power Hey Power to the people I say power Yow Power to the people I say power Youxou fépp power to the people I say power Because the power is the people I say power Gnoune gnoy guay degg son excellence Kone power Yow the power is the people I say power Gnoune gnoy gni tax fo dem scort yi darr leu Power Because the power is the people Lou loxo def loxokoy dindi Kou carte fal cartakay folli Kou fal sa bopp people bi jog sa kaw def si iow Kou beug troisième mandat people bi jog sa kaw def si iow yeah