Humanbeings resisted to accept the sacred truth That they were not the only ones in the universe Here we keep on dreamin' our wildest dreams Tryin' hard to reach the stars We are the magic makers Who spread uniqness by simply making magic happen And tho' we have always been doubted It's been us who silently kept on creatin' an octopus' garden There lies the pearls of unique wammabeings And tho' our wammabeing selves witnessed the darkness of the world It's the souls of our worrior selves that kept on settin' new standards Now You are about to find out about the secrets of the wammabeings Be sure to keep an open mind Bring your heart and emotions with u throughout this dreamy journey Who do you wamma be? Are you a wannabe? Get ready to meet the wammabeings Welcome to wammawadod Pearlsperience