Ara Que he fos tota la neu ♪ Ara Ja no tinc por a un adéu, no, no No em tremola la veu ♪ Ja no et ploro quan em veig al mirall Si ens diem les merdes que ens van fer mal Ara Ja no peses dins meu ♪ Ara Que he curat part del meu dolor No em tremola la veu No em tremola la veu Ja no et ploro quan em veig al mirall Si ens diem les merdes que ens van fer mal Ja no et ploro quan em veig al mirall Si ens trobem donant la volta a l'espiral ♪ You say you want it But you don't really show it You've tried to try But you deserve one more shot You say you want it But you don't really show it I feel you are Hiding your love You say you want it But you don't really show it You've tried to try But you deserve one more shot You say you want it But you don't really show it I feel you are Hiding your love