Genesis 1, the beautiful God of Life Tells Adam, "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:28) As a son of God-king: subdue the earth By your offspring—through their birth Defeat temptation at the tree with patience Then there's life forever after this brief probation But king Adam and queen Eve were shaken By the deceiving schemes of Satan Seen in Cain when, He murdered Abel Because of fiendish cravings, evil's reigning! Now from the womb, we are pagan Deep enslavement, in all people/nations But Genesis 3:15 the statement: God promises to recreate them A Seed from Eve will crush the Head of the Serpent to end the rule and deeds of Satan! Now that the whole human race is ruined By grace God will recreate a new one This is His promise and He's faithful to it All of Scripture displays the way He proved it Through the offspring of Eve God promises to conquer sin then all things redeemed Through Seth then Enosh was conceived Men like Enoch in this promised believed See how the line of Seth is contrasted With the cursed line of Cain who are all blasphemous Consider Enoch, who descends from Seth Through fellowship with God—He's exempt from death (Gen. 4:) Amidst wickedness—God will choose in grace To make through Noah a new human race He's a "new-Adam" who is in the godly line God tells him, "Be fruitful and multiply" But sinners serve self as their god Seen in the acts of that Babel squad So the nations get scattered abroad But through Abraham they will be brought back to God! Although enslaved by the flesh, Satan and death Through Abraham's seed all nations get blessed In this covenant with Abraham we see The promise of his new creation family "But how, when his wife Sarah can't conceive? And Abraham is an Old Man indeed!" Because in Isaac's birth we see this will Be a supernatural -resurrection humanity! Isaac sets the pattern for a second Adam At Mt. Moriah you can say "a resurrection" happened (Heb. 11:19): Saved from his daddy's knife at the sacrifice A ram's killed instead to take back his life Foreshadowing the Offspring who's born To be the substitute caught in the thorns Then Isaac's son Jacob declares to Judah: His offspring will be the Cherished Ruler! Now that the whole human race is ruined By grace God will recreate a new one This is His promise and He's faithful to it All of Scripture displays the way He proved it Through the promise of offspring There will be a 2nd Adam-divine-human- Son of God-King Through the promise of offspring There will be a second Adam-divine-human- Son of God-King The promised offspring to conquer death and Satan Came through Judah, Boaz, Jesse, David Yahweh promised in 2nd Samuel 7 To David that his offspring and descendant Would be King forever—Daniel 7 This is the divine Son of Man of Heaven This truth's evident: See Matthew 1:1 the very first verse of the New Testament= Literally "The (book of the) Genesis of Jesus Christ, Son of David, Son of Abraham." (Βίβλος γενέσεως Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ υἱοῦ Δαυὶδ υἱοῦ Ἀβραάμ.) It states the span of God's New Creation plan To recreate His people before He remakes the Land He's the seed of Judah, Ruth, and David Whom God the Father brought out of the tomb He raised Him As the first born of the New Creation. (Colossians 1:18) Corporate Resurrection: Union language. (1 Cor. 15:22-23) From every race and people group He's making His Jew-Gentile true human nation Although they used to hate Him, as ruined pagans With a new human nature they're moved to praise Him! Now there is two kinds of humans: The offspring of God, or seed of Satan who are blind and ruined But praise the Father for His wise solution His Son would be fully divine and human As THE Seed of Abe to find/pursue them And suffer for the cosmic crimes they're doing He paid the eternal fine that's due them Then resurrected to apply it to them By His Spirit who would in time renew them By providing a justifying faith Their abiding in the True Vine who prunes them Now in Christ it's a lively union! Galatians 3:16, it's simple bra ("bro") The seed of Abraham is in the singular It's Christ, we can see this But 3:29, we're offspring by being united to Jesus Children of the Spirit and of promise For all in Christ, New Jerusalem is who their Mom is We're resting in grace, accepted by faith "But how did God save Old Testament saints?" Abraham's true children from sin they're redeemed Waiting for THE SEED Singularly (Christ!) But they were united to Christ forgiven and free By faith in the promise they're in Him like me Though they were physical seed, visibly They had new creation hearts, within they believed In Messiah to come and not in any deeds They were branches grafted into Him who's the Tree! And through His Virgin birth and perfect works The curse (is) reversed and the Serpent's merked Just as by His Word He made the earth at first We're reborn by his word, we're His purchased Church! I said, through His Virgin birth and perfect works The curse (is) reversed and the Serpent's merked Just as by His Word He made the earth at first We're reborn by his word, we're His purchased Church! Now that the whole human race is ruined By Grace God will recreate a new one This is his promise and He's faithful to it; All of Scripture displays the way He proved it! Through the promise of offspring Who offered Himself as an offering, now we're offsprings Through the promise of offspring Who offered Himself as an offering, now we're offsprings