Please, let me first inform and further warn/ That false teaching has taken the church by storm/ I'm stating these facts 'cause these dangerous cats/ Are placing their traps many have strayed in their tracks!/ It bothers me, 'cause I noticed today these preachers/ Aren't even pastors- they're motivational speakers/ I know you seen these men on TBN/ They scheme your friends and fiend for cream and ends/ Nowadays, only some present the Gospel/ Look out for certain Oneness Pentecostals / Who deny the distinct persons of the Trinity/ But with health and wealth, their lurking in their ministry/ You know who you are, we're exposing your vision/ To appeal to broken women with emotionalism/ Yo, you know that's forbidden/ But you'd rather get dough then simply preach that Jehovah is risen!/ Neglecting God our King, 'cause you're more determined/ To collect three offerings, before your sermon/ Churches have a counting contest we doubt your concepts/ 'Cause your taking Scripture out of context!/ Isolating verses to entice the ladies' purses/ These devices are the likely case in churches/ They're preaching the popular gospel of prosperity/ And it's preposterous, we've got to stop this heresy! They all are locked in a vault and coffin as a result of their faulty doctrine 2x Please avoid the evil teachings of Benny Hinn/ Who claims he'll heal you so there's no need for your medicine/ For his congregation, I'm bound to spit- it's vital/ 'Cause they bought into his counterfeit revival!/ How dare you get caught making the statement/ That "on the Cross Christ took on the nature of Satan"/ Instead of preaching Jesus the Son/ They claim you don't have the Spirit unless you're speaking in tongues/ But this teaching is bunk, peep Galatians 3: 2/ The Spirit's received through faith-- this reads true/ Y'all ain't slain in the Spirit, hear this out there/ 'Cause if Christ's not glorified- the Spirit's not there!/ Microphone check let me stress the next thing/ What's up with all these fake second blessings?/ Demanding to see signs, just to trust in His name/ Plus lustin' for fame what, it's not enough to be saved?/ Who else is sick of Hinn and vicious men/ Who aren't Bible teachers, they're tricky businessmen/ Snatching offerings to grab all their loot/ And go bounce to cop (buy) your thousand dollar suit!/ Some claim sin's the reason believers are suffering/ But check the Bible- didn't Jesus discuss these things?/ Matthew 6: 19-20, it's read in the pages/ That our riches are in the heavenly places/ So Christians, read your word and show yourself approved/ Their making selfish moves to see their wealth improved/ Go tell your momma to beware o'this/ False doctrine and abominable heretics!/ They're preaching myths and it's conniving/ I'm criticizing 'cause they're triple tithing/ Turning the Father's house into a house of business/ Preaching man-centered sermons without forgiveness!/ If you're sick in health, I know you wanna' recover/ But I'm being honest my brother/ Christ promised we'd suffer/ But He said take courage, He's overcome the world/ He never promised dough or tons of pearls/ Suffering builds perseverance, and sanctifies even more/ Read Romans 5: 3-4/ We're exposing this teaching/ 'Cause we know it's misleading the people/ Into fiending for greed that is evil/ Yo, don't be fooled the Gospel's not therapy/ Nor does it promise earthly prosperity (find reference)/ The Gospel's that Jesus died for our sins/ And repent and believe and you'll be dining with Him/ Question: Are your pastors Christ-centered?/ If not. Please make sure their mic's severed/ The next best suggestion/ Is find a new church that teaches His life death and resurrection/ Let me say this now- it's the last issue/ Faith is not a power that you tap into/ Saving faith places trust in Christ alone/ The only way to stand before His righteous throne/ But certain church peers are severely fickle/ Appealin' to church peers 'cause their ear's are tickled/ If there's anything that I have left to say/ It's that I wrote this so you won't be lead astray/ I pray you flee this blasphemous and evil preaching/ That's based on craftiness and deceitful scheming/ All my brothers and sisters, the ONE Gospel's suffice/ So fall in love with Scriptures, come to the (fullness of the) knowledge of Christ