每晚 lights off 孤單寂寞 Wanna be loved that's all I think of Be on my own 漆黑當中 Reminds me of 一望無際嘅天空 Wherever you are you're the only star Glowing so close but yet seems so far 我暗戀嘅人 唔夠膽搵 被人愛嘅感覺永遠無我份 我驚你會嬲 so never reached out I have many things about myself I doubt There's no debate 我比自卑嘅自己 Pushes away 我自己嘅知己 望向星空 最美星體 不可以碰 在我手中 沒半分鐘 摸不到那臉容 最愛失蹤 最喜歡的 不可以碰 夜已空空 踏遍西東 找不到 她芳蹤 我好後悔 錯失咗呢個機會 無論我幾攰 你都喺我腦