A sudden kiss of the mother Habondia, when the bell is heard Appears to me as a vision A journey to hill of Brakulla Chrism of Hekate The sacred oil, Io Unguentum Sabbati The oil of Pan, Io Pan Noctifer ♪ ♪ I see a torch, I will follow To meet the lord of the Venusberg I bring a gift to the master And to the hag on the garden hedge (Hagzissa) Come, black man of the Sabbath Oh, great god Pan, Io Unguentum Sabbati The oil of Pan Come, Pan Noctifer ♪ A silent sip from the cauldron I disappear in the astral world A dance with gods in Blakulla The ecstasy of the dreaming cult Chrism of Hekate The sacred oil, Io Unguentum Sabbati The oil of Pan Come, lord of the Venusberg Oh, great god Pan Bring, Chrism of Hekate