Just recently I played on an Alice Cooper record I played guitar on an Alice Cooper record And in those garage bands I was telling you about I was in, you know We were playing schools out at all At every high school function we were you know And ah, and then we became friends through the crazy game of golf More so than music You know once again golf Led me to meet a whole bunch of people That I probably never would have met if You know if it was just music and So we hit it off And he was making a record And asked me to come play on it And he gave me the nicest quote I saw him say to somebody at the press This guy is like the Jeff Beck of country music You know We were doing the, we were doing the track And I was playing my part and whatever and And right in the middle of it he just started laughing I said, "What are you laughing at?" And he goes, "I just can't wait to see my guitar player Trying to learn how to play this This will be so foreign to him"