Ways Best defined opaque Another tenet of a speech I gave Only ever in a bid Do play along? Well consider it done I desire to move on Redesign all my wants Notwithstanding any perversity Note that you are now beholden to me Abate, the very thing you'll become Gauge, when at a glance I came alone Brandish the tongs Leatherette, Leatherette Feasting upon it, dilate Vessel to an islet shall be worn A vessel islet to an should be I know better than to validate my wants I know better than to validate it Staged, let your faith interrupt Wretch to be better interrupt my thoughts Another sign of things to come Reconsider your tone I desire to move on Redesign all my wants Notwithstanding any perversity Note that you are now beholden to me Abate, the very thing you'll become Gauge, when at a glance I came alone Brandish the tongs Leatherette, Leatherette Feasting upon it, dilate Vessel to an islet shall be worn A vessel islet to an should be I know better than to validate my wants I know better than to validate my wants I know better than to validate my wants I know better than to validate my