Still it no fet real Hev et nap vore more Tarnin'it for reny It's zarnin'it for any Fiw it no stet vea Nev et rap vore more Tarnin'it for reny Runnin'it for stiv it you Wake me it not on you Stay fell it not on the see where You know lone I fake it enough on you Wake me it not on you see where You not when Still it no fet real Nev et nap vore more Tarnin'it for reny It's zarnin'it for any Fiw it no stet vea Nev et rap vore more Tarnin'it for reny Standin'it for any Honerv you stiv it you Fake me it not on A stake ell enough on the see where You know lone I wake me it no love you Stake ill enough on you fill where You know when The tarnave you leave a word The see you wor my stony fly Anivy stor wheny we bet you Lot me tarny love or you Stake ell it not row you Fake me it not on you see where You know lone I wake it enough for you Stake ell it not on the see where You not love you Wake me it not on A stay fell it not on the see where You know lone I wake it enough on the see far You tell if view what is ten a been An still me you know more word 目の前を霧が覆っても 微かに見える 確かな光 どんなに闇が深くても 心に射す光を頼りに 起こしてくれ ゼロから始めるんだ もう二度と悲劇を 繰り返さないために 錆びついて止まってた 時間は今 再び動き出す もう立ち止まらないさ 心に射す光を頼りに 夜に紛れて 隙間から 恐怖が忍びやってきても 終わりを告げてやるんだ 光は眩しさを増してく 起こしてくれ ゼロから始めるんだ もう一度 自分を 取り戻すために